The Core now running tuesday nights 8:30 pm CST (-5GMT)
FLAILSNAILS participants welcome level 3 or less for now.
I run useing Castles and Crusades. It is effectively 3.5 lite. No skills or feats universal mechanic for resolution of most things. Link to the C&C quick start rules. Its free and explains things probably better then i can. (even if i am a fantastic writer) = p
Rumors of The Core...
Sleeping in the Core drives men mad.
There is a wandering zombie in the dungeon: he is sentiant, friendly and named McGee.
Beware the woman in the mirror!
Sarrafinn also called the broker, is a multi colored dragon that deals in information and secrets.
I swear i met a talking displacer beast and it said its name was Casbah.
Dwarves like friends.
More rumors in the future.
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