Dead Horse

Dead Horse
poor dead horsey

Monday, March 17, 2025

2nd adventure from Garycon 2024


Bad Day at the Vet

The ancient ruin was quiet for years - something awakened after an earthquake.

Last night a live metal demon attacked the village, capturing several new animals.

The elders selected your group – to try to retrieve them – any ancient artifacts – would also strengthen the village.

Mylody falls population 250 aprox…

 (set in skyland highplains, see area map blog entry previous)

The site…..


1 directors housing unit.


1a – Site Directors Private Domicile

Mailbox has credit card – Platinum Unlimited Universal Credit Card for Mr. Charles Turner.

Various – Clothes B, Each room has 1D3 curiosities of baubles

Household box in kitchen will remove mutants and animals – summons security if taking ½ damage

The upstairs bedroom has a site ID for administrator.

1b Garage simple tools – 2D4 curiosities and baubles Flit car -personal model, 2 liters of herbicide – in sprayer – 12D6 Damage to plants


2 Robot Depot – Sec or Eng ID to end

Reactor and short range broadcast power

Complement –

4 security bots – on standby

2 advanced Ecological bots – inactive 

1 ecobot – damaged – multifunctioning  

1 companion bot – deactivated

2 hvy security bots 

Tools equipment and parts                                                   Android vats

50 curiosities & baubles                         B4 workers  2 Warriors


4 worker androids,  stats CH9, CH 3 PS 21, MS 13 / Inq DX 12- Brown ID   Morale – 2, AC 8 dumb suit, HD 7D10, HP -49  Bludgeon WC – 2 1D6 H

2, Warriors – Stats 21, INT 18, Blue ID lin 4 otherwise Brown  Morale – 7, AC – 3 plastic, HD 10D10, HP 80

MV Blaster WC 14, 7D6 r 60 =, 2 spare cells, 6 shots each  4 energy grenade WC8 12D6 Otherwise frag WC 8 5D6



3 workers domiciles

30% of encountering a Warrior Android in any building.

3a, 3b, and 3c. living and workspaces for rangers and personnel

                each has 3D6 curios and baubles

                3b – has a hidden laser rifle – wc 13, 6d6d, 300 m range, 6 shots hydrogen cell


4 Ranger offices
Perimeter fence energized by Duraloy, 8D6 damage if touched.
 outside #4

42-Zeeth (Gamma Grass) Morale 10 HD 4D4 HP 11 each AC 7 M5 13

25% Teleport seed – Mental attack 2D6 damage 1D4 for 7 days


1.      Reception – household Bol

“Are you here to pay your fine, Mr. Chuck Turner”? “Total is 2,632,742 Damars”

(If paid – impounded goods – Portent - Backpack / 2 clips-rifle – Assault WC11 R 40m, ROF 2 / 3D6, 30 rounds, +2 single, +4 Auto)

2.      Offices – Various curiosities – 8 total

3.      Cybernetic installation, Support and Maintenance

4.      4 Garage – Elevator to upper level / 3D4 (C&B)

a.      Mold has grown out under door – covering it  (2 bags of salt inside)

b.     Field agent secure storage – Equip and Armor – 1 suit plastic, AC 3

c.      Field agent secure weapon locker – 2 stun rays (WC 12)  3 E Cells, 1 Stun Gas Grenade(WC8), Tangler range 8 – 5 shots 20M long cone  (2d10 str of net) per shot.

5.      Chem Lab –     2 workers, 1 thinker, 

Thinker Stats – PS 13, DX 13, MS-21 all others 21 Morale 10, AC 9, HD 8D10, HP 56
Slicer Pistol WC 15 4D6 6 shots – 2 extra cells, force fields ½ damage (ignores ac of target)
Worker MS 12 Morale 2, AC 8, HD 7D10,HP 49 WCI club 1D6H

 Thinker in Inertia armor: Deflects 1st laser shot – Inertial armor – AC 2, 25 pt FF 180 M Jet Jumps – 2 Atomic Cells  Battle Axe WC – 2  MS 15

3 dose Mind booser +3 ms 1 hr
2 Pain reducer +1 HP per CON 4 HR
2 Stim dose X2 speed +3 STR and DX 1 HR


6.      Cold Storage Blob – Morale – 8, AC – 10, HD 26D8, HP 108 MS – 18, IN 1, CH 1, DX 10 PS30, CN 30 Darkness – Gen, Alergy Salt – 4D6 per hand full,  Material transform – organic to sludge – degrade armor by 1 AC & 2D10 dam – forcefield (25) renews in 24 hours


7.      Breakroom – Various Vending 3 , Food and drink, D20 – 1-5 poison / 6-10 inedible 11-13 yummy, 15-19 gross, 20 heals 1D6

8.      Lower level receiving

Gunnies and tagging – Med scanners – ECT

Holding Cages – 2 Android workers – 2 warriors MS

Worker MS 12 Morale 3, AC 8, HD 7D10, HP 49  WCI Club 1D6H

Warriors 2, MS16 R- Morale 7, AC 3 plastic, HD 10D10, HP 80  Vibro blade WC 5, 8D6, 20 M per cell

Maser pistol wc 13 r40m 3d10 8 shots 2 cells


9.      Surgery Prep – Scrub lockers – 10

1.      Holocube – family photo

2.      Jacket – dog whistle

3.      Radio receiver / 2 damar

4.      Squint Bottle / Manual Can Opener

5.      Fishing rod & tackle box

6.      Electric scale / 9 damars

7.      Can oil / sports trophy

8.      Multipurpose knife / kids book

9.      Remote / blanket

10. 2 flares, doll and socks

10. Surgery Rooms (3)

11. Medical lab – Autobot attendant , 10 does of first aid equipment (1d6 healing, fresh wounds only)

Dead Adventurer with  weapons and  gear (all tech 2)

12. Medical lab – Autobot attendant


(5) Debrie Field

Ecobot has been mowing over

A number of things scattering

Useful gear

Metal file, metal helmet

Metal can full of grease, hack saw, aluminum bat

7 aluminum arrows

(6) Rusted ruined vehicles – stage II ID – Chuck Turner

Battle – scotch 100 Proof

8 track trivid tape – instructional series – robots and vehicles

20 M plastic hose


(7) Burned down building

Herp lair – 2 Immune to sonic blast

AC 3, HP 80, Moral D4 +4  Acid squirt 15D6, Bite 1D6

Sheath armor in lair - /ID card – medical Finger watch – 1 AC 4, slots 6  Can be powered by Atomic cell – and will power 2 weapons , Force Field Belt:1 HY cell – 12 action turns 40 pt FF – regens 1 PT / turn 10 min to reset if breached

(8) Burned out Hulk
Nothing of value

Area map 

Interior maps

First of 4 adventures i ran at Gary con last year.


First of the four adventures i ran in 2024 at Garycon. set in the open valley hax west of denver on the main map. 

My campaign area called 

'Skyland Highplains"


Mutant Lions, Tigers & Beers Oh My!


Villagers elders are sending this years rites takers on a mission!

The Oors Bre site has been a mystery for ages

3 weeks ago a scout returned with a card that matches the picture painted on the building.

The Elders think this may be a way in!

You must explore the site for useful tech & bring it back!


Two encounters follow to take place as indicated.


Encounter A – Cat Pacitors   (new mutated animal) ,  (on the plains before the tunnel too oor’s Bre.

4 Cat-Pacitors

AC 7, Morale 5, HD 10D6, HP 45, 45, 45,48

Claw/claw, Bite D8/D8 D8 MV-

Electrical absorbing frill

Electrical generation – 3D6

MS 4, PS 19, CH 14, DX 17, IN 3, CH 4


Encounter B – Tone E’s      (in the tunnel to oor’s Bre)

4 Tone E’s  (new mutated animal)

AC 8, Morale 6, HD 12D6. HP 41, 43

Claw/claw, Bite

MV – 1Z/900/25

Sound imitation – Immune Sonic Blast

Sonic Blast 3D6

Skeletal Enhance YZ Phys Dam + 2d6 Phys damage

MS 15, DX 15, CH 13, IN 6,CH 2, PS 18


B – Furniture Store  “Rons rent-to-own
AC 4, HD 5D6, HP 23, MS 8, Int 4, DX 14, PS 18

1 – Main Store Room – household bots will explain staff is over due store is closed

Summon – Security Bot from Backroom

AC 2, HD 12D8, HP 39, MS 10, IN 14, DX 18, PS 120

2 Trac Press Beam – 30 M range, 200 KG

4 Paralysis Rods – Slug A WC 10, 8 clips, 12 rug

4 Tear gas – failed effect -2 to hit / last 3 turns

8 Stun gear – KO 1D 20 min if any effect

2 store room furniture in boxes

3 store room electronics in boxes

4 Mens

5 Womonds

6 Office

7 Cleaning

8 Loading Dock A – 2 Ancient Train Cars

Black uns lair – 3

Moral 6, HD 5D8, HP 24

AC – 3, MS 19, IN 2, CH 2, PS 18, DX 12, CH 12

Immune – metal att / not illusions

Bite 1D4 +3, electrical generator – 3D6



C – Partially constructed aging tanks  (ruins)

lone dabber 1M tall

Morale 8, HD 4D6, HP 24, AC 5, MS 15, IN 13, DX 15, CH 6, CN 9, PS 11

Empathy, read emotions

Illusion gen 1 per 4hr – mental VS all who see

Light gen 1 a day – Blind all but user 15 min

Repulsion field – 3M field with starid 1 met ton

Telekinesis 75 K6 lift 15X / day

Telepathy – send bread minds – mental attack to reacd

Laser Pistol WC 13, 5D6 (10) per cell 8 left

D Power Plant Generators

1M <1M> 2M

Light Engineering Bot

HD 6D8, HP 48, AC 3

Control – 52 ID Broadcast or Hydr cell 18

Antigrav – 160/6800/120

MS 8, IN 4, DX 18, PS 128

8 tentacles, 3 M 100 KG lift

Trac/press 12 M – 500 KG

Special tools


Bot is maintaining the broadcast power all near by intact buildings are using


Small office has a ST 3 ID eng – site key

E – Ark Camp

7 arks

AC 3, HD 8D6, HP 28, Z all, 1dr – 32

Morale 10, spd 12/900/36, MS 16, DX 11, CH 16, IN 4, CH 9, PS 17

Telekinesis 80 KG – 196

Weather Manipulation 90% chance – each step of chang

Life leech drain 6 HP – Per Char (108 M)


Bows WC – 9                  1 D6

Chain Mail                       AC 4

2 Handed Sword          WC 3                   1D10/D



In a lock box – key or digest is 538 Domars & Binos, 2 accel a dose

A chem energy cell at 50%

Keys to the truck


F – Oors             Bre – See Part 2

Ruins & rubble – search for 10 mins to find

Plastic boomerang WC – 2    1 D4

Bottle – deodorant – Old Spice

Metal can – food powder - + water food 48

Book small arms Instruction Manual

Single mini missile launcher – poor con

35% chance to work WC 16, 30 M rad, 20 D10 dam


G –

Part 2 Building F Oors Bre

1.      Entrance

Automation robot – “Arty” R  TY 68721342

HD – 12D10, HP 120, AC 3, power A/E 4 hrs

MV 12, MS 8, In 4, DX 15, PS 35 +20D

Full tech knowledge , loud speaker, 50 M card, Electro May 200KG

Laser scan / printer / electronic repair kit    5 universal jack for connecting to comp / equip / lighnter               5 dose adhesive

½ str med kit   (Heals 103 pts)             1D10 + 20 heals PSH,  1D10 +10 MH& animals

Furniture – entertainment company – propaganda

Leather bag with 20 dice in it

E-tool, stainless steel spoon, bent

Brewed beers here

3rd shift amberlager                    1

George Killians Stout                2

Blue Moon Vintage                     3

Miller Fortune                                4

Batch 19                                           5

Dublin Stout                                  6

2.      Employee lockers & changing

60 lockers

Find – 35 jump suits           20 pairs boots

20 plastic hard huts (+1 AC)

Hair nets & rubber gloves

1-14 nothing

15 audio player – 1300 hours of various music

16 Bottle of blue dye

17 Salt shaker – full of red pepper

18 Mans razor – no blades

19 Book – learning to read

20 Colored pencils – need sharpened


3.      A&B Mens & Womens Bathrooms & showers

4.      Office has been converted to supervisory bot “Bart” MS 12, DX 18, IN 15, PS 50

AC 2, HD 15D8, HP 120

Control E, Power B, Sensor A/B

Antigrav pods 160/6800/120

 has a Marc 5 Blaster WC 14, 7D6, 6 shots Hyc cell ROF 1

He has a problem W/Arks attacking & trying to break in , Also the semi keys were taken by the arks.

Deal with it – free beer

5.      LT cargo lifter loads the beer from the bottler & finds loads in the aging cooler - later stocks the boxes for shipping.

6.      Various tools & misc can be found here

Claw hammer

20M nylon rope

New magazine


Hack saw

Electric sharpener (+1 dam 5 hits)

7.      Barrel aging – a box of sardines

8.      Shipping bay full of beer & brewing supplies

9.      Hover cargo truck – solar powered
AC 8, HP 100, 2500 KM rang

10. Maint & repair 2 engineering bot
AC 3, HD 6D8, HP 48
Control 3, 6 torches, tracbeam 500 KG \Sonic torch / microlaser power winch, power tools
Small replacement part inventory
MS – 8, IN 4, DX 18, PS 128
Room supplies are depleted
As maint over time has used it up

11. Brewing supplies – low

Farm deliveries are not making it in anymore – hops / wheat / barley

12. Beer ready to ship

13. Bottle machinery – anyone entering while on will take 8D6 damage a round

Large round cut off switches are all over the area

14. Brewing vas

15. Auto Bot recharging & maintenance area

8 Auto bots: AC 10, HD 10D8, HP 80, CTR A ,
MS 12, IN 14, DX 15, STR 25, 2 wheels 8/400/4


Encounter - C Kamados - 2
AC 1, HD 10D12, HP 120, 110
Morale 9, speed 24/1800/72
MS 16, DX 12, CN 21, IN 4, CH 4, PS 122 + 53 damage
Bite 6D8, Tail Slap 5D6

Absorption heat – no heat , Intuition               +3 physical      /+1 to hit, Mental shield +4 MS – sense mutations
Molecular disruption 1X / day – 30 M Met 48%, ST %, Liv 80%, Reflection 100% / 50% / 25%, Immune life leech , Sonic Blast 9D6, Will force double anything , 18 M tall forest iguana

Area map of the site 

Building interiors

Disney-esc spell manifestations for DCC spells.

 These can be used to replace any spell manifestations the GM or player desire.

Make your magic effects vivid in your imagination!

Disneyesque spell manifestations.

1.       A flock of colorful birds fly down whistling a cheery tune flutter about then fly off leaving the magic effect.
2.       A spray of soap bubbles cascade about then fades away to reveal the effect.
3.       a "poof" of multicolored stars burst into view revealing the effect.
4.       A large 10' radius puff of brightly colored smoke
5.       A single butterfly flutters out lands on the target, then a POOF the spell happens.
6.       A single thistle bush sprouts and blooms. The flower grows to produce the spell results.
7.       A bunch of furry woodland creatures scamper into view and prance about they produce the effect.
8.       a burst of bright sparks like a firework going off but only a soft pop for sound. 1-blue, 2-red, 3-green, 4-yellow, 5-orange, 6-purple, 7-Multicolored
9.       An image of their mentor appears reminding them of the dangers of magic before fading away.
10.   caster to leave behind sparking glittery footprints for 1d4 hours.
11.   casting this spell creates a sea of bubbles that swirl around the subject briefly, before popping.
12.   An Image of target affected by this spell appears on the back of hand for 1D4 hours.
13.   Spell conjures a lovely selection of sweets and treats, that fade revealing the spell effect.
14.   a flurry of sparkling snowflakes flutters down upon the spell recipient.
15.   Creates a prism of light as a rainbow halo effect surrounds the caster.
16.   When casting a series of multicolored musical notes dance about the target.
17.   butterflies pour forth from the caster’s hands creating a cloud of brightly colored insects then they scatter and flutter off.
18.   a rain of flower petals rains down when they clear the magic has taken effect.
19.   A small sylph appears trailing sparks as she flies up, gestures and a burst of sparks produce the spell’s effect.
20.   Spell chant is melodic sounding like a song, 1d12 songbirds will flutter up and whistle along with the caster creating a spell lovely tune of uplifting notes.

Alternate Magic missile Manifestations.

  • 1.       Big bumblebees zing into the target.
  • 2.       Small swarms of Mosquitos bite the target.
  • 3.       A small bird or group of birds divebomb the target.
  • 4.       Large colorful holographic butterflies flutter into the target.
  • 5.       A hand of playing cards appear in the caters hand, and they can fling cards into their target.
  • 6.       Squirrels pelt the target with thrown nuts.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Met a gamer at the Dog park.

 Omaha Ne area has a Corgi group that had a meet this day at Aksarben dog park. 

Met a guy, he was wearing a DCC shirt. Struck up a conversation, cool guy plus he also owns Corgis!.

Corgis and gaming, what else is there.... (DM Daisy)

Also got the DCC Hellcat set, soooooo pretty. two tone red with gold glitter. I have 2 of the d20s in Hellcat and they roll mean in pairs. 

Last week got 3 sets of double nat 20's on them, my players were howling. 

We are knee deep in Dark tower, after all being captured and waking up with nothing in the dungeon. 

Group is offical Road Crew for DCC. with our group patch now proofed and approved.

Did the conversion from art to patch for us at a reasonable price. 

Wear your gamer gear with pride,never know who you might meet!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Back to the main Campaign

 Wrapped up or break game of Weird Frontiers. Next week back to the main DCC game. 

Anyone who has watched any Disney movies might remember this old Gem....

Based on a theme from that movie i present :

Substitutiary Locomotion

Level: 1 (Invocation)

Range: Varies (see results)

Duration: Varies (see results)

Casting Time: 1 action

Save: Will vs. control (only for contested objects)

 Manifestation: Objects spring to life, animated by an ethereal green or golden glow. Rustling fabric, the clatter of boots, and animated movement fill the air.

 General: With this spell, the caster can imbue inanimate objects with temporary life, allowing them to move and act as if they were alive. The scope of what can be animated depends entirely on the success of the spell check.

 Spell Check Results:

  • 1: Failure. The spell fails and is lost for the day. The caster is afflicted with Substitutiary Corruption (see below).
  • 2-11: Failure. The spell fails and is lost for the day.
  • 12-13: The caster animates a single small object, no larger than a broom, bucket, or small piece of furniture. The object moves with the approximate speed of a human (30 ft. per round). The object can perform simple tasks such as sweeping, carrying, or moving, but cannot fight. The duration is 1d6 rounds.
  • 14-17: The caster animates up to two small objects or a single medium object (like a chair, coat rack, or chest). The objects can carry out more complex tasks and may be used in combat to bludgeon or strike (attack +2, dealing 1d4 damage). The duration is 1d6+2 rounds.
  • 18-19: The caster animates up to three small objects or a single large object (like a table, wardrobe, or suit of armor). Animated objects gain a life of their own and can carry out commands with intelligence equivalent to a simple-minded servant. They can attack with +4 to hit and deal 1d6 damage. The duration is 1d8+4 rounds.
  • 20-23: The caster animates up to five small objects, two medium objects, or one large object. The animated objects are capable of acting as loyal bodyguards or assistants. They move with purpose and coordination. In combat, each can attack with +6 to hit, dealing 1d6+1 damage. Duration is 1 hour.
  • 24-27: The caster animates a small army of up to 10 small objects, 4 medium objects, or 2 large objects. The objects follow complex instructions like crafting, defending, or attacking coordinated targets. They can even perform in tandem like a makeshift machine. Their attacks deal 1d8 damage, and they can move up to 40 feet per round. Duration is 2 hours.
  • 28-35: The caster bestows lasting sentience and mobility to objects in a 30-foot radius (up to 15 small objects, 8 medium objects, or 3 large objects). These objects can act independently, taking initiative in defense or attack with attacks at +8 to hit and dealing 1d10 damage. The objects remain animated for 24 hours and may continue to exist beyond that if a permanent magic effect is desired (cost determined by the Judge).
  • 36+: The caster imbues one object of their choice with permanent life. The object becomes fully sentient, with a basic intelligence and personality (determined by the Judge). It can act independently or follow commands from the caster. It gains the ability to speak simple phrases, defend itself (attack +10, dealing 1d12 damage), and assist the caster as a loyal servant or companion. This effect is permanent, unless dispelled by powerful magic or destroyed.

 Substitutiary Corruption: When the caster rolls a natural 1 on the spell check, they suffer a peculiar corruption that mirrors the nature of the object they failed to animate. The Judge rolls 1d4 to determine the specific effect:

 Wooden Rigidity: The caster’s joints stiffen, mimicking the creaking movement of a wooden object. The caster’s Dexterity is reduced by 1d3 points until they complete a long rest. If this effect is suffered multiple times, the caster’s limbs might take on a wooden texture.

 Metallic Resonance: The caster’s voice becomes hollow and metallic, echoing like a struck anvil. This effect persists for 1d4 days, imposing a -2 penalty to Charisma checks when attempting to interact with others, as their voice grates and unnerves those who hear it.

 Stuffed Padding: The caster’s flesh feels soft and spongy, as if stuffed with straw or fabric. The caster takes an additional -1 penalty to Reflex saves for 1d3 days and might develop an unnatural, lifeless pallor.

 Rusting Decay: The caster’s skin takes on a corroded, tarnished hue as if rusting. This causes minor skin irritation and a permanent cosmetic effect. With repeated corruption, the caster’s skin may eventually become brittle, lowering their Constitution by 1 point permanently.


These corruption effects are cumulative and can stack with repeated failures.

Credit where credit is due, chatbot GBT helped me design the spell. I have a running thread of spell tweaks and creations. Great tool if you struggle to write and need a little help. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

One more discovered. lots to still go


Sezrekan's Sanguivorous Solids , magic item weapon. very cool write up.. 

Added this to my GM dice set. I think I have all the mismatched sets as GM dice. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

DCC , weird dice and rules extras on dice tube inserts


As soon as I found out there were little extra rules bits on the dice tube inserts i started trying to hunt them all down. As far as my google-fu goes, I can find no trace of a comprehensive list.

Thanks to some crazy friends I have access to 15 tubes extras. As I work to complete the list I will update. If you have info on tubes I do not have, please contact me!

The list of tubes:

Elemental Water: Patron bond Elemental queen of Water

Elemental Earth: Spell, Read stones 

Elemental Fire: Magic Item, Conflagration gems

Elemental Void: Patron Bond, Bind Chaos

Greem: Monster, Fetch Demon

Black: Monster, Entropic Knight

Eldritch Ruin Fragments: Magic item ,Ruin fragments 

Ioun Stones: Magic item, White Ioun stone

Supernal Star Seeds: Spell, Cosmic Lotus Magic 

Motes of Mercurial Magic: Chart, Multiversal Mercurial Magic Effects

The Wizard Van's Stellar Stowaways: Chart, Cosmic Tilt

Infernal Skulls: Magic Item, Infernal Skulls

Mighty Dice of Arms: Deeds, New Warrior Deed and a Dwarf only deed

Chaotic Wizard: Spell, Hasten Doom

Dark Tower: Magic item, Desecrated Visage of Mitra

Unknown Sets: 

Lawful Wizard

Neutral Wizard

Beaked Unicorn

Three Lagged Gowl 

Maned Wyrm


Skeliton Saint

Vello's Crystalized Creations

Sezrekan's Sanguivorous Solids

There may be more that I am unaware of , please leave a comment or contact me if you have additional information.

Dice tubes with a tiny strip like below, DO NOT have any bonus Material.