Day at the Vet
The ancient ruin was quiet for
years - something awakened after an earthquake.
Last night a live metal demon
attacked the village, capturing several new animals.
The elders selected your group –
to try to retrieve them – any ancient artifacts – would also strengthen the
Mylody falls population 250 aprox…
The site…..
1 directors housing unit.
1a – Site Directors Private
Mailbox has credit card – Platinum
Unlimited Universal Credit Card for Mr. Charles Turner.
Various – Clothes B, Each room has
1D3 curiosities of baubles
Household box in kitchen will
remove mutants and animals – summons security if taking ½ damage
The upstairs bedroom has a site ID
for administrator.
1b Garage simple tools – 2D4
curiosities and baubles Flit car -personal model, 2 liters of herbicide – in
sprayer – 12D6 Damage to plants
2 Robot Depot – Sec or Eng
ID to end
Reactor and short range broadcast
Complement –
4 security bots – on standby
2 advanced Ecological bots –
1 ecobot – damaged – multifunctioning
1 companion bot – deactivated
2 hvy security bots
Tools equipment and parts Android
50 curiosities & baubles B4 workers 2 Warriors
4 worker androids, stats CH9, CH 3 PS 21, MS 13 / Inq DX 12-
Brown ID Morale – 2, AC 8 dumb suit, HD 7D10, HP -49 Bludgeon WC – 2 1D6 H
2, Warriors – Stats 21, INT 18, Blue ID lin 4 otherwise Brown Morale – 7, AC – 3 plastic, HD 10D10, HP 80
MV Blaster WC 14, 7D6 r 60 =, 2
spare cells, 6 shots each 4 energy
grenade WC8 12D6 Otherwise frag WC 8 5D6
3 workers domiciles
30% of encountering a Warrior
Android in any building.
3a, 3b, and 3c. living and
workspaces for rangers and personnel
has 3D6 curios and baubles
– has a hidden laser rifle – wc 13, 6d6d, 300 m range, 6 shots hydrogen cell
4 Ranger offices
Perimeter fence energized by Duraloy, 8D6 damage if touched.
outside #4
42-Zeeth (Gamma Grass) Morale 10 HD 4D4 HP 11 each AC
7 M5 13
25% Teleport seed – Mental attack 2D6 damage 1D4 for 7 days
Reception – household Bol
“Are you here to pay your fine, Mr. Chuck Turner”? “Total is
2,632,742 Damars”
(If paid – impounded goods – Portent - Backpack / 2
clips-rifle – Assault WC11 R 40m, ROF 2 / 3D6, 30 rounds, +2 single, +4 Auto)
Offices – Various curiosities – 8 total
Cybernetic installation, Support and Maintenance
4 Garage – Elevator to upper level / 3D4
a. Mold
has grown out under door – covering it (2
bags of salt inside)
b. Field
agent secure storage – Equip and Armor – 1 suit plastic, AC 3
c. Field
agent secure weapon locker – 2 stun rays (WC 12) 3 E Cells, 1 Stun Gas Grenade(WC8), Tangler
range 8 – 5 shots 20M long cone (2d10
str of net) per shot.
Chem Lab – 2
workers, 1 thinker,
Thinker Stats – PS 13, DX 13, MS-21
all others 21 Morale 10, AC 9, HD 8D10, HP 56
Slicer Pistol WC 15 4D6 6 shots – 2 extra cells, force fields ½ damage (ignores
ac of target)
Worker MS 12 Morale 2, AC 8, HD 7D10,HP 49 WCI club 1D6H
Thinker in Inertia armor: Deflects 1st
laser shot – Inertial armor – AC 2, 25 pt FF 180 M Jet Jumps – 2 Atomic Cells Battle Axe WC – 2 MS 15
3 dose Mind booser +3 ms 1 hr
2 Pain reducer +1 HP per CON 4 HR
2 Stim dose X2 speed +3 STR and DX 1 HR
Cold Storage Blob – Morale – 8, AC – 10, HD
26D8, HP 108 MS – 18, IN 1, CH 1, DX 10 PS30, CN 30 Darkness – Gen, Alergy Salt
– 4D6 per hand full, Material transform
– organic to sludge – degrade armor by 1 AC & 2D10 dam – forcefield (25)
renews in 24 hours
Breakroom – Various Vending 3 , Food and drink, D20
– 1-5 poison / 6-10 inedible 11-13 yummy, 15-19 gross, 20 heals 1D6
Lower level receiving
Gunnies and tagging – Med scanners – ECT
Cages – 2 Android workers – 2 warriors MS
Worker MS 12 Morale 3, AC 8, HD 7D10, HP 49 WCI Club 1D6H
Warriors 2, MS16 R- Morale 7, AC 3 plastic, HD 10D10, HP 80 Vibro blade WC 5, 8D6, 20 M per cell
Maser pistol wc 13 r40m 3d10 8 shots 2 cells
Surgery Prep – Scrub lockers – 10
1. Holocube
– family photo
2. Jacket
– dog whistle
3. Radio
receiver / 2 damar
4. Squint
Bottle / Manual Can Opener
5. Fishing
rod & tackle box
6. Electric
scale / 9 damars
7. Can
oil / sports trophy
8. Multipurpose
knife / kids book
9. Remote
/ blanket
10. 2 flares,
doll and socks
10. Surgery
Rooms (3)
11. Medical
lab – Autobot attendant , 10 does of first aid equipment (1d6 healing, fresh
wounds only)
Dead Adventurer with weapons and gear (all tech 2)
12. Medical
lab – Autobot attendant
(5) Debrie Field
Ecobot has been mowing over
A number of things scattering
Useful gear
Metal file, metal helmet
Metal can full of grease, hack
saw, aluminum bat
7 aluminum arrows
(6) Rusted ruined vehicles – stage
II ID – Chuck Turner
Battle – scotch 100 Proof
8 track trivid tape –
instructional series – robots and vehicles
20 M plastic hose
(7) Burned down building
Herp lair – 2 Immune to sonic
AC 3, HP 80, Moral D4 +4 Acid squirt 15D6, Bite 1D6
Sheath armor in lair - /ID card – medical Finger watch – 1 AC 4, slots 6 Can be powered by Atomic cell – and will power 2 weapons , Force Field Belt:1 HY cell – 12 action turns 40 pt FF – regens 1 PT / turn 10 min to reset if breached
(8) Burned out Hulk
Nothing of value
Area map