Dead Horse

Dead Horse
poor dead horsey

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Back to the main Campaign

 Wrapped up or break game of Weird Frontiers. Next week back to the main DCC game. 

Anyone who has watched any Disney movies might remember this old Gem....

Based on a theme from that movie i present :

Substitutiary Locomotion

Level: 1 (Invocation)

Range: Varies (see results)

Duration: Varies (see results)

Casting Time: 1 action

Save: Will vs. control (only for contested objects)

 Manifestation: Objects spring to life, animated by an ethereal green or golden glow. Rustling fabric, the clatter of boots, and animated movement fill the air.

 General: With this spell, the caster can imbue inanimate objects with temporary life, allowing them to move and act as if they were alive. The scope of what can be animated depends entirely on the success of the spell check.

 Spell Check Results:

  • 1: Failure. The spell fails and is lost for the day. The caster is afflicted with Substitutiary Corruption (see below).
  • 2-11: Failure. The spell fails and is lost for the day.
  • 12-13: The caster animates a single small object, no larger than a broom, bucket, or small piece of furniture. The object moves with the approximate speed of a human (30 ft. per round). The object can perform simple tasks such as sweeping, carrying, or moving, but cannot fight. The duration is 1d6 rounds.
  • 14-17: The caster animates up to two small objects or a single medium object (like a chair, coat rack, or chest). The objects can carry out more complex tasks and may be used in combat to bludgeon or strike (attack +2, dealing 1d4 damage). The duration is 1d6+2 rounds.
  • 18-19: The caster animates up to three small objects or a single large object (like a table, wardrobe, or suit of armor). Animated objects gain a life of their own and can carry out commands with intelligence equivalent to a simple-minded servant. They can attack with +4 to hit and deal 1d6 damage. The duration is 1d8+4 rounds.
  • 20-23: The caster animates up to five small objects, two medium objects, or one large object. The animated objects are capable of acting as loyal bodyguards or assistants. They move with purpose and coordination. In combat, each can attack with +6 to hit, dealing 1d6+1 damage. Duration is 1 hour.
  • 24-27: The caster animates a small army of up to 10 small objects, 4 medium objects, or 2 large objects. The objects follow complex instructions like crafting, defending, or attacking coordinated targets. They can even perform in tandem like a makeshift machine. Their attacks deal 1d8 damage, and they can move up to 40 feet per round. Duration is 2 hours.
  • 28-35: The caster bestows lasting sentience and mobility to objects in a 30-foot radius (up to 15 small objects, 8 medium objects, or 3 large objects). These objects can act independently, taking initiative in defense or attack with attacks at +8 to hit and dealing 1d10 damage. The objects remain animated for 24 hours and may continue to exist beyond that if a permanent magic effect is desired (cost determined by the Judge).
  • 36+: The caster imbues one object of their choice with permanent life. The object becomes fully sentient, with a basic intelligence and personality (determined by the Judge). It can act independently or follow commands from the caster. It gains the ability to speak simple phrases, defend itself (attack +10, dealing 1d12 damage), and assist the caster as a loyal servant or companion. This effect is permanent, unless dispelled by powerful magic or destroyed.

 Substitutiary Corruption: When the caster rolls a natural 1 on the spell check, they suffer a peculiar corruption that mirrors the nature of the object they failed to animate. The Judge rolls 1d4 to determine the specific effect:

 Wooden Rigidity: The caster’s joints stiffen, mimicking the creaking movement of a wooden object. The caster’s Dexterity is reduced by 1d3 points until they complete a long rest. If this effect is suffered multiple times, the caster’s limbs might take on a wooden texture.

 Metallic Resonance: The caster’s voice becomes hollow and metallic, echoing like a struck anvil. This effect persists for 1d4 days, imposing a -2 penalty to Charisma checks when attempting to interact with others, as their voice grates and unnerves those who hear it.

 Stuffed Padding: The caster’s flesh feels soft and spongy, as if stuffed with straw or fabric. The caster takes an additional -1 penalty to Reflex saves for 1d3 days and might develop an unnatural, lifeless pallor.

 Rusting Decay: The caster’s skin takes on a corroded, tarnished hue as if rusting. This causes minor skin irritation and a permanent cosmetic effect. With repeated corruption, the caster’s skin may eventually become brittle, lowering their Constitution by 1 point permanently.


These corruption effects are cumulative and can stack with repeated failures.

Credit where credit is due, chatbot GBT helped me design the spell. I have a running thread of spell tweaks and creations. Great tool if you struggle to write and need a little help. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

One more discovered. lots to still go


Sezrekan's Sanguivorous Solids , magic item weapon. very cool write up.. 

Added this to my GM dice set. I think I have all the mismatched sets as GM dice.