Dead Horse

Dead Horse
poor dead horsey

Saturday, July 20, 2024

DCC , weird dice and rules extras on dice tube inserts


As soon as I found out there were little extra rules bits on the dice tube inserts i started trying to hunt them all down. As far as my google-fu goes, I can find no trace of a comprehensive list.

Thanks to some crazy friends I have access to 15 tubes extras. As I work to complete the list I will update. If you have info on tubes I do not have, please contact me!

The list of tubes:

Elemental Water: Patron bond Elemental queen of Water

Elemental Earth: Spell, Read stones 

Elemental Fire: Magic Item, Conflagration gems

Elemental Void: Patron Bond, Bind Chaos

Greem: Monster, Fetch Demon

Black: Monster, Entropic Knight

Eldritch Ruin Fragments: Magic item ,Ruin fragments 

Ioun Stones: Magic item, White Ioun stone

Supernal Star Seeds: Spell, Cosmic Lotus Magic 

Motes of Mercurial Magic: Chart, Multiversal Mercurial Magic Effects

The Wizard Van's Stellar Stowaways: Chart, Cosmic Tilt

Infernal Skulls: Magic Item, Infernal Skulls

Mighty Dice of Arms: Deeds, New Warrior Deed and a Dwarf only deed

Chaotic Wizard: Spell, Hasten Doom

Dark Tower: Magic item, Desecrated Visage of Mitra

Unknown Sets: 

Lawful Wizard

Neutral Wizard

Beaked Unicorn

Three Lagged Gowl 

Maned Wyrm


Skeliton Saint

Vello's Crystalized Creations

Sezrekan's Sanguivorous Solids

There may be more that I am unaware of , please leave a comment or contact me if you have additional information.

Dice tubes with a tiny strip like below, DO NOT have any bonus Material. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Weird Frontiers continues.

 Dm 10 pin at the helm. I am on break atm.

I personally love props and costumes in RP, i think they help convey the vibe to all. So I have some prop boxes of various gaming props. 

Socially anti social and her husband my Nephew, the Lich..

Doc good feels, the gun slinger.

Three of my funnels died in initial adventure. The TPK due to gambler bad card pull, led me to borrow one of my neices funnel chars... a nun with healing bonus birth sign. So now me as Revalator.

The adventure continues,.....