Dead Horse

Dead Horse
poor dead horsey

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Celtic holidays

10/31 - Samhain “Soween”
End of harvest season and beginning of Winter celebrated by cleansing bonfires that have protective powers. 11/1 Marks the beginning of the new year.

12/21 - Winter Solstice
Shortest day and longest night. Days become longer moving forward. It is a time of rebirth.

2/1 - St. Brigid's Day
First day of Spring represented by St. Brigid often celebratedby visiting Brigid's holy well.
Symbol: Straw or red cross.

3/21 - Vernal (Spring) Equinox
Northern and Southern hemispheres experience an equal amount of sun time.

5/1 - Beltane
Cleansing fire festival celebrates the first day of Summer and the fertility of the coming year. Yellow flowers are used to decorate homes symbolizing the cleansing fire.

6/21 – Summer Solstice
 A festival is held celebrating the light and sun. The day is dedicated to the Celtic Goddess. The longest Day of the year is the ideal day to banish evil spirits.

8/1 – Lughnasa
A festival is held celebrating the beginning of the harvest season half way between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox.

9/21 Autumn Equinox
Referred to as a stepping stone between light and dark because there is an equal amount of light and dark in the day. This is a time of harvest when people begin preserving goods.

Cultural Norms
Music is often used battle and is common to bring a band along for a battle.
Fidchell is an honored strategy game. It is important for a warrior to be passable at the game because it is a mark of intelligence and strategy.
Water is a healing element and fire is a cleansing element.

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