10/31 - Samhain “Soween”
End of harvest season and beginning of
Winter celebrated by cleansing bonfires that have protective powers. 11/1 Marks
the beginning of the new year.
12/21 - Winter Solstice
Shortest day and longest night. Days become
longer moving forward. It is a time of rebirth.
2/1 - St. Brigid's Day
First day of Spring represented by St.
Brigid often celebratedby visiting Brigid's holy well.
Symbol: Straw or red cross.
3/21 - Vernal (Spring) Equinox
Northern and Southern hemispheres
experience an equal amount of sun time.
5/1 - Beltane
Cleansing fire festival celebrates the
first day of Summer and the fertility of the coming year. Yellow flowers are
used to decorate homes symbolizing the cleansing fire.
6/21 – Summer Solstice
festival is held celebrating the light and sun. The day is dedicated to the
Celtic Goddess. The longest Day of the year is the ideal day to banish evil
8/1 – Lughnasa
A festival is held celebrating the
beginning of the harvest season half way between Summer Solstice and Autumn
9/21 Autumn Equinox
Referred to as a stepping stone between
light and dark because there is an equal amount of light and dark in the day.
This is a time of harvest when people begin preserving goods.
Cultural Norms
Music is often used battle and is common to
bring a band along for a battle.
Fidchell is an honored strategy game. It is
important for a warrior to be passable at the game because it is a mark of
intelligence and strategy.
Water is a healing element and fire is a cleansing
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