This new era of games companies and writers shilling for your cash even before the product is available gives me pains. The only thing worse are the Tubbies (Tubbies: Noun person or persons who make videos and post them online in an attempt to garner money, ad revenue or patreon supporters.)
People managed to publish gaming products before this wave of beganceering over took the net. (Beganceering: noun, adverts comments and pleas for finacial backing of a product or Tubbie pleading for money via various methods and websites)
Alot of people will argue that the almighty Kickstarter and Patreon allow creatives the freedom to create. I
There is more to watch on the internet than you could ever see, dont pay to create more. You dont need to subscribe to a tubbie, new videos from them will appear thanks to googles algorithm. Also game products will be published with out prebuying it.
Or better yet take some time, put on some creative inducing music and write your own stuff.